
24 December 2009

'Tis the time of year again

‘Tis the time of year again

when thoughts go out to you;

The ones we hold so near and dear

the ones who live so far.

The time of year when family gathers

and friends come into town;

The time of year when dreams come true

and wishes are abound.

Wishing you a very merry,

a holiday full of cheer;

Hoping you and yours are well

and happy through the year.

Merry Christmas!

© 2009 Julie Hayes

14 December 2009

Just stuff...

I have been busy with my thesis and a translation project over the past couple of weeks. Not to mention getting some cross-stitching done so I could mail them out to family in Michigan. I did manage to write a poem for a Christmas card at my sister's request. I will post it on Christmas Day for all to enjoy!

Until then, feel free to check out my other crafty blogs:

Julie's Creations
Photographs by Julie - this is a new blog!!!

And for those interested, here's the link to my thesis blog:

House of Wisdom and the Abbasid Caliphate