
22 November 2012

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

As I sit here and watch an old favorite, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, I am reminded of a simpler time in my life. A time when I had no worries in life. A time when the only thing I had to concern myself with was going to school, getting decent grades, and hoping to make my parents proud. While these times seem simpler now, they were difficult in the moment (no ma, I’m not gonna get on a tangent, lol).

Today was the first Thanksgiving without my dad. While I miss him dearly, I am grateful for those we did have. I spent the day at his brother’s home visiting with family. It was actually very peaceful and quite nice. Usually it is busy and loud as they get lots of folk dropping by. Not today! Unlike the toast and popcorn of PB226481Charlie Brown, we had ham, turkey, candied yams, potato salad, chicken dressing (or stuffing), giblet gravy, rutabagas, and cabbage. Oh, there were pies and sweet potato pudding too. No, I didn’t eat everything, just those items that I like. And when my cousin asked me to put a spoon of rutabagas on a plate for her fiancé I couldn’t resist doing PB226480something my dad would have done. I placed the spoon on the plate and handed it over. LOL! Yes, everyone took notice and even commented that it was something he would do and I come by it naturally. Yeah, I guess I do get his humor more than most. Smile


Even the kitties got some turkey today!

And when all is done and put away, all I can do is Thank God for the wonderful memories and keep a bit of gratitude in my heart.

From my home to yours, have a wonderful Holiday Weekend!


“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.

Know that the Lord is God.

It is He who made us, and we are His;

we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving

and His courts with praise;

give thanks to Him and praise His name.

For the Lord is good and His love

endures forever;

His faithfulness continues through

all generations.” ~ Psalm 100

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