
29 December 2011

2011: The year that can’t end soon enough!

new year clockThis year started out with returning home from a short vacation to Michigan. I was hopeful that 2011 would have lots of good things in store for me and my family. My best friend got married and had her first child. We welcomed another little one into our extended family (my sister’s newest grandchild). My cousin and his wife had their 2nd child. All seemed to be heading in the right direction.

Someone else had other plans. As many of you know, my father was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer on April 2nd. From that point on, my life changed completely. I have spent the greater part of 2011 in tears, stressed out, dealing with Bell’s Palsy, battling depression, almost losing my cat, other family drama that won’t be mentioned in this blog, and am ending the year with an Upper Respiratory Infection. Focusing on the positive has been difficult for me this year.

I lost my job ~ no huge loss to me ~ in August, but have since found gainful employment with the State of Florida in the Department of Corrections. I am grateful for this job and couldn’t have asked for a better boss or group of people to work with. I have found a church that I am happy with and enjoy going to services when I can. I am trying to become a better person for myself, my family and friends, and hopefully for that someone that God has chosen for me (and I hope he shows up soon, lol). Oh, and the world did not end on my birthday this year, lol!

Above all else, I am very thankful that God has a purpose for me and my life here on Earth. What it is I have yet to figure out. I think know the year will end on a positive note! And for the first time, in a long time, I would like to end the year by sending a Birthday Prayer up to my beautiful daughter on what should have been her 16th celebration of life. I never got to know you as God saw that it was not meant to be. I harbor no bad feelings for His decision as I know you are with me all through the year. Someday, we will finally meet and I will get to hold you in my arms. For now, I will continue to hold you in my heart.

Here’s to leaving 2011 where it deserves to be and looking ahead to a wonderful and prosperous 2012!!!

2012 frog

19 December 2011

Meet Me on Monday ~ Christmas Edition

I love the questions this week! The hostess decided to make them Christmas related. Here are the questions:

1.Wrapping paper or gift bags?
2.Real or artificial tree?
3.When do you put your tree up?
4.When do you take your tree down?
5.Do you like eggnog?
6.Do you have a nativity scene?
7.Favorite Christmas Movie?
8.Favorite Christmas cookie?
9.Where will you eat Christmas dinner?
10.Angel, bow or star on top of your tree?
11.Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
12.Do you like Fruitcake?
13.What are you most excited about the holidays?
14.Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
15.Will you still be wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?

And my answers:

1.Wrapping paper or gift bags?

christmas wrap

Wrapping Paper

2.Real or artificial tree?



3.When do you put your tree up?

christmas decor

Usually Thanksgiving weekend, but definitely by December 1st!

4.When do you take your tree down?

remove decor

New Year’s weekend

5.Do you like eggnog?

no eggnog

Um, that would be a big NO!

6.Do you have a nativity scene?


Does Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and the 3 Wise Frogs count? LOL…I don’t think I have one,

but will get one whenever I finally have my own home.

7.Favorite Christmas Movie?

wonderful life

“It’s A Wonderful Life” is my all-time favorite Christmas movie.


I also like “Miracle on 34th Street”

8.Favorite Christmas cookie?

gingerbread men

Gingerbread Men

9.Where will you eat Christmas dinner?

nr dinner

I don’t know. Probably at a dining room table somewhere, lol!

Location changes every year.

10.Angel, bow or star on top of your tree?



11.Most annoying thing about this time of the year?



12.Do you like Fruitcake?

no fruit cake

Um, that would also be a big NO!

13.What are you most excited about the holidays?


I love seeing the Christmas Decorations.

14.Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?


Tradition has always been to open a small gift on Christmas Eve

and everything else on Christmas morning. (Yes, that’s me)

15.Will you still be wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?

christmas eve

If I were buying presents, yes I typically do still wrap on the Eve.

This year, nope, because I am not buying gifts.


If you want to join in on the fun, be sure to check out Never Growing Old’s blog!

03 December 2011

A Little Re-rendition of an old favorite!


O Sparty tree, o Sparty tree

Your Green and White delights me!

You’re Green when summer days are long

You’re White when winter goes by slow

O Sparty tree, O Sparty tree

Your Green and White delights me!

28 November 2011

Meet Me on Monday

Hey! I finally decided to “Subscribe” to Never Growing Old’s blog so now I shouldn’t miss the questions, lol. Anyway, short and sweet, here are the questions:

1.  I really need to clean my _________?
2.  What food makes you think of Christmas?
3.  If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
4.  What was your first paying job?
5.  Have you read the Twilight series?

And my answers:

1. I really need to clean my BEDROOM?

messy room
2. What food makes you think of Christmas?


Gingerbread – I LOVE it!!! But I think I have an allergy to either the molasses or ginger because my tongue always feels like it’s on fire when I eat it. I only eat it during the holidays for that very reason.

3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?


I don’t think I would want to stay a certain age forever. Each birthday brings a new bit of wisdom.

4. What was your first paying job?


Babysitting. And I made pretty good money too. $5.00 per hour per kid (I watched 2 boys). This was in the early 1980s!

5. Have you read the Twilight series?

anti twilight

Um, that would be a big fat NO! I am not interested in it at all. Sorry to all of you Twilight fans reading this. I don’t even like the Harry Potter series. I know, blasphemy! LOL


In other news, my dad finished his chemotherapy treatments. Now we play the waiting game until he gets his CAT/PET scans done again to see what’s what on the cancer front.

I started a new job one month ago today. I am loving it so far, and learning a LOT! I work for the State of Florida. It’s difficult to get your foot in the door, but once it’s in, it’s in!

God is great!

14 November 2011

Meet Me on Monday

I’m baaaa-ack! For some reason, I missed the past several weeks’ posts on Never Growing Old’s blog. D’oh! Well, I made it a point to look over there this evening to get this week’s questions. So here are the questions:

1.  Does your family/friends know about your blog?
2.  What is your favorite card game?
3.  What do you wear to bed?
4.  What is your favorite kind of French Fry?
5.  What is your usual bed time?

And my answers:

1.  Does your family/friends know about your blog?of course

2.  What is your favorite card game?poker

        Currently, Texas Hold ‘Em. As a kid, Old Maid!

3.  What do you wear to bed? pjs

       Comfy lounge pants and a tank top. Unless I am cold, and all of my blankets don’t keep me warm enough, then I throw on a short or long sleeve t-shirt.

4.  What is your favorite kind of French Fry?chili cheese fries

       The kind with lots of Chili and Cheese on them!

5.  What is your usual bed time?sleepy

       Whenever I get tired or 10pm, whichever happens first.

Well, that’s about all for now!

13 November 2011

A New Job!

Well, I started my new job on October 28th. I am happy with it so far. It is a State (FL) position, so there are benefits. As with any new job, there is a probationary period. This is probably the longest one I will ever see: 12 months. It’s a secretary position so nothing too difficult or stressful --- so far, LOL!

My dad should be taking his final chemo treatment on Tuesday. He has not been feeling well for about a week now, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed that his blood counts are high enough to proceed on Tuesday. If not, then we wait another week. The main thing is he hasn’t felt much like eating anything. My sis and I agree that it’s probably due to the chemo drugs/poisons. It bothers him that he hasn’t been able to eat a “full meal” (by his standards anyway).

Other than that, not much else happening in my life. Just looking forward to closing out 2011 and beginning a fresh new year in a few weeks!

22 September 2011

Job Hunting

Well, I have been looking for a new job for little over a month now. The changes made to unemployment require me to show proof of at least 5 contacts each week. That said, I did have an interview today and I think it went rather well. I won’t get into too much detail at this time, but I am really hoping to be selected for the position.

In other news, my mom turns 60 tomorrow!


I know you read this from time to time, lol.

And my kitties are playing so well together now!

11 September 2011

10 Years Later…

…We are still holding strong to our beliefs.

…We are still remembering our heroes.

…We are still the United States of America.


I have been seeing a lot of “Where were you 10 years ago today?” out here in blogland. For me, I will never forget this day nor this date.

On Sunday, September 9, 2001 I went to bed and had a dream. I dreamed about a plane flying into a tall building. Little did I know that this particular dream would be one that came true.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001 I was on my way to Ann Arbor, MI to the VA Hospital as I was extremely ill. All the way there I noticed semi’s being pulled over and cops everywhere. I had not yet seen or heard the news, but being so close to Canada, I figured it had something to do with border patrol issues. Boy, was I ever wrong.

911-2We got to the hospital and I noticed a heightened sense of security. Still, I didn’t connect the two. It wasn’t until I was in the examining room when the doctor came in and asked me “Have you heard any news recently?” I told him that all I heard was something about some plane hitting some building, but nothing out of the ordinary. He then told me that the WTC had been hit and both towers were burning. Still, NO connection!

By the time we got home that afternoon (keep in mind that I lived almost 2 hours northwest of Ann Arbor) and turned on CNN I realized that my dream was a reality. I will never forget the images of the WTC on fire and the second plane hitting the South tower. What I had dreamed 2 nights before was EXACTLY what was being shown on CNN.


So, where was I on September 11, 2001? I was glued to the television, not believing that I had yet another premonition, and stunned that we, the USA, had been attacked on our own grounds.

May all of those lives lost rest in peace. May all of those men and women who toiled at Ground Zero for days and weeks be lifted. May those who continue to suffer from the after effects of exposure be healed.

God bless our men, women, children, country, and FREEDOM!


27 June 2011

Tuesday’s Show & Tail

I can’t give a proper title to this post as the object in the pictures has no name at this time. If you have been following this blog or my cross stitch blog you know that my cat, Sandy, went missing last Thursday evening. She has not shown up as of this post. I am still heartbroken over her disappearance and hope that she is safe and that she returns home to us soon.

In the meantime, I told my dad last night that I intended to pick up a kitten from my grandma’s house. I did that earlier today and would like to share with you the newest member of my family:


My sister and I are trying to come up with a name for him. I have had a few suggestions from some stitchy friends over on my cross stitch blog as well as one from my dad. Once a decision is made, I will reveal his name to you all.

His eyes are matted with an infection and my sis suggested cleaning them several times a day with peroxide on a cotton ball. Hopefully this will clear up in a few days. He will also be seeing my vet in a few days for his first visit. At this time, though, he is peacefully sleeping on my bed.

26 June 2011

Meet Me on Monday

Well, this is my third MMoM post and so far it is interesting! Here are this week’s questions:
1.  What is your favorite food?
2.  What color scheme is your bedroom?
3.  Do you carry a donor card?
4.  In your opinion, is the glass half empty or half full?
5.  Vanilla or Chocolate?

Before I go into my answers, I would like to share with you that my cat has now been missing since Thursday evening – that is 3 days. I spent much of today between tears and sleep as I miss her terribly. I just hope she is safe and being taken care of wherever she is and that she returns home soon. In the meantime, I spoke with my dad tonight to let him know my intention of picking up my kitten from my grandma’s tomorrow (Monday). He didn’t object but suggested I make sure Ebenezer is the one I want. I guess he’s a bit wild toward my dad, but he was so sweet to me a few days ago.
I will be OK. This too shall pass.
Now, my answers:
1.  What is your favorite food?
That’s a toss up between Italian5 cheese ziti and Mexicantaquitos

2.  What color scheme is your bedroom?
3.  Do you carry a donor card?
NOPE, it’s not that I am against it. I just never opt to be an organ donor.

4.  In your opinion, is the glass half empty or half full?
Depends on my mood, LOL

half full or empty
5.  Vanilla or Chocolate?
Vanilla since this is the choice.vanilla I am not a huge fan of chocolate but do like
German Chocolate Cake german choco
and Mint Chocolate Ice Creammint choco

24 June 2011

Have You Seen Me?


I seem to have lost my way. My owner misses me something fierce and she is probably crying her eyes out waiting for me to come home. You see, I punched out the screen, AGAIN, and decided to take a stroll. I have been gone since around 6pm Thursday evening. I am sure my family is looking for me, but I am having too much fun! I hope they aren’t mad.


Yes, that is my Sandy and she disappeared on Thursday evening. She has never ventured away from our home, typically staying in the carport whenever she punches a screen out. She gets into trouble when she does that. This time, she took off and I haven’t been able to find her. Everyone says “She’ll come back”, but I am not so sure. I miss her so much. I cried myself to sleep last night and probably will tonight too. It’s especially hard since my dad goes in for another round of chemo on Monday and will be gone until Wednesday night.



19 June 2011

Meet Me On Monday w/ Never Growing Old

I think this is a great way for us to get to know one another here in blogville! Thanks to Never Growing Old for hosting Meet Me On Monday!!


1. What feature of the opposite sex do you notice first?
2. Do you talk to yourself?
3. What is your current relationship status?
4. Do you have a garden?
5. What is your favorite licorice flavor?

And my answers:
1. What feature of the opposite sex do you notice first?

His Smile and His Eyes

2. Do you talk to yourself?

3. What is your current relationship status?

Single and HATING IT
4. Do you have a garden?

Nope, but would love to have an English Garden someday.
5. What is your favorite licorice flavor?